Monday, 14 December 2009
Otters AGM
Friday, 11 December 2009
Latest from Otter Zen
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
Otterequality: Christmas is for the laydeez too

1. The Men's AGM, starting 1800 on Grove Road and proceeding via Coach and Swan to Crown for pub quiz, where we will dazzle allcomers with a devastating display of intellect and power-drinking.
2. The Laydeez' AGM, also starting at 1800 on Grove Road. Contact Kayte for full details. If the laydeez feel brave enough to take the chaps on at brain stuff, then you know where to be and what time to be there.
Go the Otters (in a totally non-gender specific way of course). Solidarity sister.
Monday, 7 December 2009
Otter Zen: Coming in your ears
Link: The Otter Zen blog
If you'd like to post something to the Otter Zen blog, you can either do it in the comments section or drop me a line via email and I'll chuck it up there. Same goes for this blog and any Otter-friendly events you'd like to promote/invite people to.
I've also added a blog roll to this one (bottom of right hand margin). A blog roll, for the uninitiated, is where you add links to your favourite blogs, so if you have one, or would like to recommend one, let me know and I'll add it. Candice.
Friday, 4 December 2009
AGM special rule - bring your Otter 'handle'
Hi all - Due to popular request, I've changed the settings on the Otter blog so anyone can comment without all the faff of registering and logging in. If you're not logged in, you're anonymous, so you might want to adopt a 'handle' as per Smokey and the Bandit circa 1977. "Breaker breaker Mother Love, if you got y'all ears on Smokey's knockin at yer back door. You gotta put that hammer down, good buddy. It's the beer bust or a bear cage, come on."
I was only kidding then, but now I'm serious. The 'special rule' for this AGM (Sunday 13 Dec, 1800 kick off) is that all Otters must adopt a Smokey and the Bandit-style, shit-kickin', sum-bitchin' CB radio handle. Handles must be used from the first pub onwards. Fines for violations.
And just to remind you what an outstanding and seminal movie Smokey and the Bandit was, here's the original theatrical trailer, live and direct from You Tube (including history's dodgiest strapline: "It's not where you're going that counts, but who's in back of you.")
Link: Wikipedia guide to CB slang
Surprise Kitty for Otters
(Apparently Al Davis will do this if plied with enough Bombardier.)
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Otters events: December, January and February
Saturday 12 December - PAINTB

Right, first up in the calendar of pre- and post-Winterval fun we have the Chris Greenwood Memorial Paintball Battle at
It's the biggie - the third anniversary of when it all began. In a break with tradition, however, note that it is two Sundays before Christmas, NOT the Sunday before Christmas because I've promised not to clash with Jim and Di's leaving do.
All Otters required to meet at 42 Grove Road for a mulled something-or-other at 6pm sharp. The format is as per usual - warm-up beers at the Coach and Swan then the pub quiz at the Crown, followed by cocktails, nakedness and a one-armed press-up competition. Death or glory. Grrrrr.
(The ladies will presumably be indulging in spritzers and topless pillow fights at an alternative venue...)
January - Table Football World Cup
Still agreeing a date, but the venue is Chertsey Cricket Club and the format as follows: doubles, £5 entry, come themed as the nation of your choice. January is a piss-awful, brassic, cold, wet, miserable month, so why not brighten things up with an impromptu world class sporting event hosted in the cheapest place to drink in Chertsey? Why not indeed.
February - The Otters' Ergo Challenge
Date and venue TBC, but here's the format: 2000m timed sprint with best time winning, then beers somewhere afterwards. Depending on numbers, we may split the categories into light, welter and heavyweight with a row off for the grand champion. There will be a men's and a women's competition, so don't feel excluded. There will also be the grand prix spectacle of Al 'Big Gay Al' Davis versus Phil 'Phil the Pilot' Bachelor over 5000m, with the winner taking bragging rights for time immemorial.
(Pictured: A genuine Japanese seasonal greeting card. Not quite sure they've grasped the concept...)
Otterly amazing: The Big Personality Test
The Big Personality Test:
Would be great if you all could do it and post your results in the comments. For the record, I'm highly conscientious and not remotely neurotic, with a side-order of extroversion and openness, easy on the agreeableness. Would be lovely to build up a personality profile of the average Otter!

Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Otters Ergo challenge - feel the burn
Happily, after much thought, the thorny issue of the next Otter challenge has been solved by some of the finest minds Big Gay Al and Phil the Pilot had to offer. We're going to have a 10km Ergo challenge (a-ha - now you understand all the Latin bollocks at the beginning - forgive me, I haven't been well).
[You can skip this next bit if you just want to know what the hell the Ergo challenge is about and don't want all my pontificating before you get there]
For those of you wondering what an Ergo is, it's one of those fancy rowing machines with the fan on one end (see picture). It all started with Phil, perhaps rashly assuming that Al was a big lardy sparky with the aerobic capacity of a dormou

[Resume reading now]
Here's the format.
Time, date, location: TBC
Distance: 10km
Apparatus: Ergo Concept 2
Entry: Back yourself. If you think you're going to win, bring champagne. If not, bring something in keeping with your anticipated placing. All entry beverages must be alcoholic, minimum 7.5% volume. There will be a men's competition and a women's competition.
Call for entries to follow.
* The keener eyed among you will of course have noticed Descartes could not have been aware of Linnaen taxonomy and binomial nomenclature, having predeceased the publication of the Systema Naturae by 85 years. Interestingly, the European river otter didn't receive it's Latin designation until the mid-19th century, so Linnaeus wouldn't have known what it was either.
Monday, 14 September 2009
The Sean Parry Classic - first Otters stag a triumph of depravity

Flickr stream of the stag (or at least the beginning and end of it):
Ben's Mobile Me gallery:
And the Google Map of the route, including course description, challenges and forfeits:
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
Otters successfully defend Marlow in heroic final push - photo finish hands it to the Chertsey crew
The Even More Beautiful Otters, crewed mainly by first or second time dragon boaters, lost out on a semi-final place by less than a second, despite having a very natty uniform and a large contingent of Dutch people who are presumably well accustomed to being that close to the water and should therefore know exactly what to do about it. Nonetheless, it was a magnificent effort.

The Otters set a blistering pace in the heats, recording the fastest time of the day in race three and apparently provoking grumbles about 'semi-professionals spoiling the event for everyone else'. Semi-professional what, we never found out. And in any case, who needs a boatload of ringers when you have a crew of steely-eyed, misbegotten feckers the like of which we put on the water that day?
Not us. Staying true to the Otters' motto of 'just turn up and win', we took the semi-final by just over a dragon's nose-length, despite being rammed by one of the other crews, and fought off a spirited charge by our rivals in the final to take the tape by slightly less than the extra coat of varnish at the tip of the aforementioned megareptilian's appendage. Hurrah.
Well done to all who participated and many thanks to the cohort of Otters supporters (especially the minis!) who turned out to lend their very vocal support on the day. And last but not least, thanks also to Kayte who organised a hugely enjoyable day, thrashed that drum to within an inch of its life and made a very, very rash but very, very excellent promise in the huddle before the final race.
Same time next year? Three's the charm!
Link: Kate Smyth's Facebook Gallery
Link: Dragons Alive! website
Chertsey Otters Crew: Kayte 'I'll Do Anything, For You Dear Anything' Cable, Max 'Bear Fighter' Woodward, Debbie 'Pocket Rocket' Hall, Mark 'Human Volcano' Hall, Karen 'Touche' Smith, Mark 'Silent Assassin' Smith, Al 'Big Gay' Davis, Richard 'Ballast' Cable, Sean 'Thrust and' Parry, Steve 'Big Gay Hairy Bear' Kearns, Rachel 'Dee 57 in tha Big Broother House' Geordielass, Ulrich 'Island Monkey' Kleinsteuber, Chris 'Full Monty' Greenwood.
EMB Otters Crew: Nicole 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon' Ter Horst, Emma 'Tub Thumper' Willingale, Frans Sinterklaas, Nan Sinterklaas, Marco 'Isotonic Heineken' De Haan, Jane 'I can bench more than my brother' Cable, Philip 'She can bench me' Wardle, Richard, Stefan, Sian, Rachel, Toby, Clare, David and Tracy (sorry - ran out of steam on the monickers!).
Chertsey Ploughing Match - results just in!!!
It's a trickier business than it looks and it's fair to say that the dryness of the tilth didn't help Tractor Pat pull a sweet furrow this year. (I have no idea what that means, but, yes, it probably is as dirty as it sounds.) Patrick did well, but struggled with his dismount and paid the price when it came to the judging (see picture). Despite an heroic first effort at the wheel, he lost out to competitors who were half his age but about 50 times more experienced.

"I knew I was in trouble when the judge came by and asked me when the shelling had stopped," said Patrick, who was ably aided and abetted by the improbably named Steve Spong (he of the Lightwater Spongs) who will take the helm at the tractor's next outing this weekend.
Patrick would like to thank the surprisingly large numbers of Otters who came out to cheer him on and who simultaneously discovered that, yes, ploughing matches really are as surreal as they sound.
Thursday, 27 August 2009
Dragon Boats - Oakley Court, Windsor, 6 Sept. I love the smell of Otter in the morning...

So stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood and man the dragon boats once more. This time it's personal. In the face of gratuitous taunting, generally bad hangovers and questionable levels of aerobic fitness, the Otters triumphed here in 2008, and there'll be blood (or at least beer) in the Thames before we surrender that title again. Prepare, gentle burghers of Berkshire, to have your idyllic Sunday rudely violated by that most time-honoured war cry: 'Go the Otters!' Just turn up and win.
Saturday 6 September. Race briefings from 0800. First race at 0930. Two berths still available. Email Richard or Kayte to grab them. Unspeakably overexcited already? You don't know the half of it.
Cry havoc and let lose the Otters of war. Oakley Court shall not fall again!
Chertsey Ploughing Match, Monday 31 August - support Patrick the Otter
In a brilliantly lunatic undertaking of his own devising, Patrick scoured the country for hopelessly knackered and decrepit vintage tractors, which he then converted into a single functioning model by a time-honoured method of black magic, swearing and spanners. Miraculously, Patrick is still happily married and holding down 15 different jobs.
Now you may be thinking that watching a bunch of blokes, well, ploughing, using everything from heavy horses to modern behemoths, is not your ideal way of spending a bank holiday, or even a bit of one. But consider this:
a) Patrick is a Chertsey Otter and all Chertsey Otters should enjoy large quantities of vocal support in any competitive endeavour they undertake, especially one that's involved as much hard work as this one has to pull together.
b) Patrick has already blown up one tractor and might well do it again.
c) There will be a beer tent.
To sample the bucolic bliss of a day out watching men in smocks carving perfect furrows in the fecund earth, check out the video below:
Sunday, 9 August 2009
STOP PRESS: Otters sweep Chertsey Show!!!
Otter placings
1st place - Portrait drawing, any medium - Candice Mallins
1st place - Victoria sandwich - Lucy Martin
1st place and Judge's Choice - Anything to do with the countryside (oil) - Richard Cable
1st place - School display of any plants - Lyne and Longcross School/Kayte Cable
1st place - Photographic portfolio of your school garden - Lyne and Longcross School/Kayte Cable
1st place - 2 Cornish pasties - Ann Kleinsteuber
1st place - Carnivorous plant - Jaego Cable
1st place - Scarecrow made of recycling - The Kleinsteubers
1st place - 3 cheese straws - Molly Hazledine
1st place - A drawing of anything in the garden - Genevive Hazledine
1st place - Best tidbit catcher - Boz Cable
1st place - Food from around the world - Kayte Cable
2nd place - Draw a picture of yourself - Jaego Cable
2nd place - Photo portrait: black and white - Brian Cable
2nd place - Fastest dog over the jumps (1st in heat) - Bruce Coope
3rd place - Take a photograph of your friend - Tom Martin
3rd place - Butterflies, bugs and bees: close-up photo - Brian Cable
3rd place - Bottle of homebrew beer - Steve Dobson
3rd place - Most handsome dog - Bruce Coope
3rd place - Young gardener - Jaego and Jessame Cable
4th place - Vegetable monster - Jaego Cable
Special commendation - Vegetable monster - Maia and Neha Zadef, Jessame Cable and Kalsang Tsering
Highly commended - Draw a picture of yourself - Jessame Cable
We also had entries in homemade wine, soft fruit jam, cottage loaf, 3 fruit scones, photography, heaviest marrow, chutney, cake decorating, liqueur and a bunch of others.
Saturday, 1 August 2009
URGENT!!! Entry forms for Chertsey Show must be in NOW!
Monday, 27 July 2009
If you want to go free range...
Friday, 10 July 2009
Call for entries - Chertsey Show
If you would like to partake in this latest Otter endeavour, please come along for the draw on the Sunday, or otherwise let me know you'd like to have a crack at it and I'll draw you a category in absentia.
This doesn't mean you can't enter the ale you brewed for the St George's challenge, or the humungous pumpkin you've cultivated, but we thought it might be fun to see big burly lads having to design hats, arrange flowers and bake Victoria sponges. Got to get your kicks somehow ;)
For the full skinny on the categories et al, see the post below.
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
Chertsey Show - support your local country show, drink cider, win as much as £2

There are two ways to do this. Some Otters will have a natural advantage in classes like horticulture and brewing, and will already have carefully-prepared ales and courgettes stroked and pampered to a frightening level of tumescence. Or something. Anyway, these should be entered as a matter of course, so please add your proposed entry as a comment on this blogpost, or email, text or Facebook it. (Entry fees are a whopping 50p per item.)
We're proposing that the remaining classes should be entered by process of random draw, to be held at
The sections are as follows. I've also included a representative snapshot of the classes in each section:
BAKING - Victoria sponge; fruit cake; apple pie; shortbread; scones (cheese/fruit); tea loaf; ; iced cake; cottage loaf; cornish pasty, scotch eggs.
GENERAL FOOD- food from around the world; misc; dessert.
JAM & PRESERVE - soft fruit; stoned fruit; jelly; marmalade; lemon curd; chutney; misc.
CHILDREN CULINARY - whole baked toddler (honestly, I'm surprised anyone's read this far). Mostly decorated/undecorated cakes and biscuits.
BEER, LIQUEUR & WINE - homebrew beer, homebrew red (sweet/dry), rose and white (sweet, medium, dry); misc liqueur; best in show.
VEGETABLES - carrots; beetroot; onions; potatoes; runner beans; shallots; tomatoes; leeks; parsnips, etc, etc, etc. Plus a whole bunch of novelty categories like heaviest pumpkin, biggest marrow, vegetable most reminiscent of something rude, etc.
FLORAL COMPETITION - Heaps of goddam flowers I've never heard of. There's a new carnivorous plants section that sounds cool. We've just bought a Venus Flytrap.
CHILDREN'S HORTICULTURE - vegetable monster; six weeds in a jam jar; garden farmyard; miniature rockery; best skunk grown under hydroponics, etc, etc.
NOVELTY DOG CLASSES - child handler (not sure what they mean by this); best mongrel; best veteran; prettiest bitch/handsomest dog; best titbit catcher; best condition, waggiest tail, etc.
FLORAL ART - Theme: shopping spree. There are 10 sections, themed from Newsagents to Greengrocer to Sex Shop. OK, I was kidding about the last one...
CRAFT : CHILDREN'S - make a scarecrow from recycling; self portrait; model of favorite animal/bird
CRAFT : ADULT - dressmaking; stitched picture; greeting card; knitted item; handmade jewelry; cushion; soft toy.
PHOTOGRAPHY - snowscene from this year's snow; black and white portrait; insect photo; triptych of themed photos.
PAINTING - country scene (oil/acrylic or watercolour); portrait (oil/acrylic); miscellaneous.
DRAWING - portrait; pastel drawing; misc.
MISCELLANEOUS CRAFT - Anything not covered by the above. This is very exciting. An otter bringing down a lion with a ray gun, rendered in taxidermy perhaps? The possibilities are endless.
Oakley Court Dragon Boats - defending the Otters' title
Robbed again! Marlow Regatta ends in glorious defeat for second year running

I wasn't there due to mentalgitis and a brief spell of hospitalisation, but in brief we came fourth overall having narrowly missed out on the final by virtue of coming second in our semi-final. Especially galling given that ours was the second fastest semi-final time overall - exactly the same thing as happened last year. Nonetheless, a towering effort by both crews and I understand everyone had a great time - so much so that we've already signed up a boat and a half for the Windsor regatta in September (details above - places still going if you want to paddle).
Here are the photos:
Monday, 11 May 2009
Marlow Dragon Boat Regatta - Otters go for two crews on the podium!

But hold on ... what's that I hear? Is it the far off thundering of war drums, the furious cacophony of paddles beating the water into a foam and the bloodcurdling roar of that mightiest of war cries: 'Go the Otters!' And there, high above, drifting down, the scent of something undefinable yet familiar; intoxicating yet intangible. Yes, that's it: VICTORY.
Saturday 14 June. Race briefings from 0800. First race at 0930. Unspeakably overexcited already? You don't know the half of it.
Cry havoc and let lose the Otters of war. Today Marlow, tomorrow, THE WORLD!
And now, some more sober and sensible information from Kayte:
Fellow dragonboaters,
All set! We’re in for Marlow; had my confirmation this morning. We have 2 teams – The Chertsey Otters and The Even Nicer Chertsey Otters. Hope everyone is running and training and eating chicken.
There are still training slots available on 2 June on the river in Marlow, but inconveniently timed. One at 1730 and one an hour later. I know some of you were keen to do this. It costs £100 for the hour and we’d need at least 10 people. Methinks is going to prove too difficult, but let me know if you are keen and we’ll see what sort of response we get all in all.
[Editor's note: this would also seem to run counter to the Otters' ethos of 'just turning up and winning']
We can hire a Gazebo and patch for the regatta day itself which will be super if it looks like rain. I suggest we get one per team which will cost a couple of pounds each.Any objections let me know! We’re not allowed to take our own, due to pesky revenue-collecting rules…
Fancy Dress:
If you are keen, don’t think this will interfere with our winning power and are willing to take the lead (cos I’m not!) , please go ahead!
Okidoke. Till Philippi. Per aspera ad Marlow. Etc.
Friday, 1 May 2009
Woodwammer - now available in cans!
Monday, 27 April 2009
Inaugural Chertey Otters St George's Day Beer Competition - the Winners!

Update: Here's the Flickrstream of the event:
Will put up some more detail and photos, etc shortly, so this is just a quick post to say thank you to all the brewers who took part and to the many spectators and supporters who came along to the Crown on Sunday. I think everyone will agree that the standard of the entries, which included a Tudor butter beer and a late entry all the way from Argentina, was absolutely astonishing - and I mean that in a good way!
Special thanks to Hugo, who judged the beer in an amazingly thorough and professional way (although he stopped short of actually trying the butter beer), and Tony, the landlord of the Crown who has once again allowed us to use his premises for the nefarious aims and purposes of the Otters. In fact, Tony was so astonished that it wasn't just three beardy fat blokes from the local branch of CAMRA that he's agreed to hold it as an annual event. This year the inaugural amateur beer comp, next year the inaugural Chertsey Beer Festival? (Year after that, the WORLD!!! Mwah-ha-ha...).
To the results, which were:
Best name:
- Floozing Flax Wench (Kayte Cable)
- The Otterman Empire (Uli Kleinsteuber)
- Blind Lynesman (Craig Hazledine)
- Woodwammer (Ben Gilbey)
- Dragon Slayer (Debbie Greenwood)
- The Otterman Empire (Kate Lumsden)
- Willingale's Willing Ale (Myles Willingale) - 12 points (of 14 possible)
- No Thanks I'm Driving (Richard Cable) - 12 points
- B'George (Steve Dobson) - 11 points
- Woodwammer (Sean Parry) - 11 points
- Patricio's Beer (Patricio Zapata) - 10 points
- Queen B (Big Gay Al Davis) - 9 points
- The Otterman Empire (Uli Kleinsteuber) - 7 points
- Blind Lynesman (Craig Hazeldine) - 7 points
- Dragon Slayer (Chris Greenwood) - 6 points
- The Unknown Soldier (Patrick Martin) - 5 points
- Floozing Flax Wench (Kayte Cable) - Ungraded
Monday, 13 April 2009
ST GEORGE'S DAY BEER CHALLENGE FINAL - 4pm, Sunday 26 April at the Crown, Chertsey
Fellow Otters and other aquatic mammals, please clear your diaries for this Sunday 26 May for the Chertsey Otters' inaugural St George's Day Beer Challenge FINAL.
Venue: The Crown at Chertsey
Time: 4pm cocktail reception, 5pm award ceremony, 7pm closing pyrotechnics.*
Please feel free to bring as many friends, relatives, children, Otters and fellow beer enthusiasts as you see fit.

Judging panel
Best Beer will be judged by Hugo, the head brewer for Budweiser UK, who is a personal friend and confidante of Phil the Pilot, in addition to being an all-round smashing bloke and sainted individual.
Best Label will be judged by our mystery expert panellist (mystery because we don't know who it's going to be just yet).
Best Name will be judged by a similarly mysterious expert panellist. Details TBC.
Submitting your beer: information for competitors
All competitors must submit the following on competition day:
- Four bottles of their competition ale.
- Three of these bottles should be unmarked for the double-blind taste test.
- Only one bottle should bear your ale's label and name.
- Entry fee of £2.
Competition format
Best Beer: Hugo will taste and score each of the competitor beers one by one, according to a randomised list. His final verdict will be announced in front of a live studio audience. In the event of a tie-break, Tony the Landlord will have the final say. Competitors will have three attempts to present a drinkable bottle of beer (hence submitting three bottles, in case two have gone off) after which they will be scored on their best effort.
Best label: This may be of any format or size, so long as it fits on the bottle. The name of the ale must be clearly legible. Competitors must declare who created the artwork for their label and be able to describe the creative journey that led to its creation. This can take the form of a short written submission, or competitors may simply choose to wing it with an oral submission (oo-er) on the day. Additional points will be awarded for flair in presentation.
Best name: The name may be of any length and in any language, so long as it fits on the bottle and is acceptable for a (fairly broadminded) family audience. Competitors must be able to explain how they arrived at the name. Again, this may take the form of a short written submission, oral submission (fnar!) or an explanation through the medium of interpretative dance. Additional points for flair. Ballet pumps not provided.
Related links
Rules of the competition
List of Competitors
Prize Categories
*FYI, the Mayor of Runnymede's annual pub quiz is being held at the Crown that evening, so you might want to get a babysitter and make Monday morning at work truly disastrous.
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
Venue announced for the Beer Challenge Final!!!
No problem as long as you promise NOT TO STAY FOR THE QUIZ
Cheers Tony
Yours SincerelyTony & Sian OBrien
General Managers
-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Cable
Sent: 31 March 2009 21:19
To: .Crown Hotel
Subject: FAO Tony: Chertsey Amateur Beer Festival
Dear Tony,
I don't know if you've heard of Chertsey Otters RFC, but it was founded in your pub (see potted history below). The latest endeavour of the club is a strictly amateur brewing competition (, which
What we lack, however, is venue to do the tasting and have the prize-giving. Now, you might think it's a bit odd to contact a pub and ask the manager if we can bring unaffiliated ales onto the premises for the purposes of a beer competition that doesn't involve Messrs Youngs or Wells directly. But bearing in mind that the only person tasting these beers - many of which stand a good chance of being unpalatable swamp juice - is the hapless out-of-town brewer; and that everyone else will be drinking your own fine selection of chilled beverages; and those no doubt in pretty alarming quantities; and that you are nothing less than a benevolent and sainted individual, I thought I'd ask anyway.
The plan was to do the afternoon of Sunday 26 April, with a good chance plenty of people will stay on for the quiz afterwards. Appreciate if your response combines 'direction away from' plus a command related to procreation. Fingers crossed, eh. What do you reckon?
All best,
PS Promise never again to bring up the fact that the crab is an animal.
PPS Or mention that Wales came fourth.
Tuesday, 31 March 2009
I love the smell of paintball in the morning...
Here's a video to get everyone really excited! Get ready to hop in a Slick and haul ass with the other red legs, go find us some Charlie at the LZ. Or something.
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
Beer challenge - prize categories
- Best beer
- Best label
- Best name
Monday, 16 March 2009
Beer challenge - list of competitors
- Sean 'Thrust and' Parry
- Patrick 'Have finger, need pie' Martin
- Craig '
Method ManGotta fly Qantas' Hazeldine and Ulrich 'Man with a Plan' Kleinsteuber - Richard 'Fatboy' Cable and Kayte 'Best not indulge in any nicknames' Cable
- Myles 'Vino Collapso' Willingale
- Steve 'If you thought the hotel was unusual, try the beer' Dobson
- Al 'His Royal Gayness' Davis
- Chris 'All killer no filler' Greenwood
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
Otters shirts - any takers?

Interest was shown, following our epic dragon boating victory at Windsor, in Chertsey Otters club shirts for future epic victories. We can get a shirt with club crest (attached) in either fitted (for the laydeez) or standard style (for the fuller-figured gent). The attached rugby shirt image is the approximate design, with the leading consensus at the moment being for body colour of pale/powder blue and contrasts in chocolate brown.
I need minimum 15 to place an order, at approx £23 a shirt from Badger Rugby. Suggestions, thoughts and alternative designs all welcome. Add as comments, or drop me an email.
The St George beer challenge - try your hand at brewing

Hello all. Latest news on the latest Chertsey Otters endeavour - a beer brewing competition. A couple of weeks back, a small posse of Otters assembled in the Crown to watch England play like drains against the Irish. Inevitably we ended up making our own fun, which including drinking a Very Large Quantity of Bombardier and indulging in intellectual pursuits like shouting and one-armed press-ups.
Turns out someone suggested a beer-brewing competition, presumably based on the assembled group's clear fondness for, and application to the drink of heroes. More improbably still, the next day someone also remembered this suggestion and a handful of people thought it was a good idea.
So, the terms of the competition are this:
1. Brew your own beer, to be ready on or near St George's Day (23 April).
2. The starting recipe to which all competitors must adhere is attached as an image (click on it to see it reet big - it's dead easy to do).
3. You may enter solo or form teams, but not with professional brewers.
4. The results to be judged by a professional brewer (he's the bigger of the two in the photo). A minimum of 5 bottles must be submitted.
5. No lager.
6. Your beer must be christened.
Handy contacts:
- Art of Brewing in Chessington: KT9 2NY, telephone: 020 8397 2111
- Whytes Home Wine Equipment, Protea, Stompond Lane, Walton-On-Thames, Surrey, KT12 1HB, telephone: 01932 856542