Monday, 27 April 2009

Inaugural Chertey Otters St George's Day Beer Competition - the Winners!

Update: Here's the Flickrstream of the event:

Will put up some more detail and photos, etc shortly, so this is just a quick post to say thank you to all the brewers who took part and to the many spectators and supporters who came along to the Crown on Sunday. I think everyone will agree that the standard of the entries, which included a Tudor butter beer and a late entry all the way from Argentina, was absolutely astonishing - and I mean that in a good way!

Special thanks to Hugo, who judged the beer in an amazingly thorough and professional way (although he stopped short of actually trying the butter beer), and Tony, the landlord of the Crown who has once again allowed us to use his premises for the nefarious aims and purposes of the Otters. In fact, Tony was so astonished that it wasn't just three beardy fat blokes from the local branch of CAMRA that he's agreed to hold it as an annual event. This year the inaugural amateur beer comp, next year the inaugural Chertsey Beer Festival? (Year after that, the WORLD!!! Mwah-ha-ha...).

To the results, which were:

Best name:
  1. Floozing Flax Wench (Kayte Cable)
  2. The Otterman Empire (Uli Kleinsteuber)
  3. Blind Lynesman (Craig Hazledine)
Best label:
  1. Woodwammer (Ben Gilbey)
  2. Dragon Slayer (Debbie Greenwood)
  3. The Otterman Empire (Kate Lumsden)
Best beer
  1. Willingale's Willing Ale (Myles Willingale) - 12 points (of 14 possible)
  2. No Thanks I'm Driving (Richard Cable) - 12 points
  3. B'George (Steve Dobson) - 11 points
  4. Woodwammer (Sean Parry) - 11 points
  5. Patricio's Beer (Patricio Zapata) - 10 points
  6. Queen B (Big Gay Al Davis) - 9 points
  7. The Otterman Empire (Uli Kleinsteuber) - 7 points
  8. Blind Lynesman (Craig Hazeldine) - 7 points
  9. Dragon Slayer (Chris Greenwood) - 6 points
  10. The Unknown Soldier (Patrick Martin) - 5 points
  11. Floozing Flax Wench (Kayte Cable) - Ungraded
(All tiebreaks settled by judge!)

1 comment:

  1. Well organised Rich! Looking forward to the next event!
