But hold on ... what's that I hear? Is it the far off thundering of war drums, the furious cacophony of paddles beating the water into a foam and the bloodcurdling roar of that mightiest of war cries: 'Go the Otters!' And there, high above, drifting down, the scent of something undefinable yet familiar; intoxicating yet intangible. Yes, that's it: VICTORY.
Saturday 14 June. Race briefings from 0800. First race at 0930. Unspeakably overexcited already? You don't know the half of it.
Cry havoc and let lose the Otters of war. Today Marlow, tomorrow, THE WORLD!
And now, some more sober and sensible information from Kayte:
Fellow dragonboaters,
All set! We’re in for Marlow; had my confirmation this morning. We have 2 teams – The Chertsey Otters and The Even Nicer Chertsey Otters. Hope everyone is running and training and eating chicken.
There are still training slots available on 2 June on the river in Marlow, but inconveniently timed. One at 1730 and one an hour later. I know some of you were keen to do this. It costs £100 for the hour and we’d need at least 10 people. Methinks is going to prove too difficult, but let me know if you are keen and we’ll see what sort of response we get all in all.
[Editor's note: this would also seem to run counter to the Otters' ethos of 'just turning up and winning']
We can hire a Gazebo and patch for the regatta day itself which will be super if it looks like rain. I suggest we get one per team which will cost a couple of pounds each.Any objections let me know! We’re not allowed to take our own, due to pesky revenue-collecting rules…
Fancy Dress:
If you are keen, don’t think this will interfere with our winning power and are willing to take the lead (cos I’m not!) , please go ahead!
Okidoke. Till Philippi. Per aspera ad Marlow. Etc.
The Pelican forgot to register his interest for this. We're coming to support both crews but please can you put his name down on the reserves list as I know he is itching to join in? PS. He can swim alongside for support, if necessary.