In a brilliantly lunatic undertaking of his own devising, Patrick scoured the country for hopelessly knackered and decrepit vintage tractors, which he then converted into a single functioning model by a time-honoured method of black magic, swearing and spanners. Miraculously, Patrick is still happily married and holding down 15 different jobs.
Now you may be thinking that watching a bunch of blokes, well, ploughing, using everything from heavy horses to modern behemoths, is not your ideal way of spending a bank holiday, or even a bit of one. But consider this:
a) Patrick is a Chertsey Otter and all Chertsey Otters should enjoy large quantities of vocal support in any competitive endeavour they undertake, especially one that's involved as much hard work as this one has to pull together.
b) Patrick has already blown up one tractor and might well do it again.
c) There will be a beer tent.
To sample the bucolic bliss of a day out watching men in smocks carving perfect furrows in the fecund earth, check out the video below:
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