Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Otterly amazing: The Big Personality Test

Apologies for things being a bit quiet recently, but I've been hobnobbing with B-listers and making the world a better place by launching stuff like this:

The Big Personality Test:

Would be great if you all could do it and post your results in the comments. For the record, I'm highly conscientious and not remotely neurotic, with a side-order of extroversion and openness, ea
sy on the agreeableness. Would be lovely to build up a personality profile of the average Otter!


  1. Highly conscientious - did I do okay? Really?
    Highly agreeable - why thank you, it's been a pleasure completing this questionnaire!
    Semi-neurotic - what do you mean, you think I'm a freak? Oh you don't think that? Then why are you staring at me? Ugh.

    Does that help you build up a healthy image of your fellow Otters?

  2. Healthy? Hmmmmm...

    Accurate though!
