And won by Otters, dammit.

LINK: Otters sweep Chertsey Show!!!!
So we're going to do it again. The draw will take place this Friday 9 July and you're in it. Whether or not you actually decide to go ahead and do something about it is entirely up to you, but you'll probably be glad you did.
Such is the way of Otter.
There are a few changes and additions to last year's format. Floral Art is bloody expensive, so we're jocking it off, and the Horticulture section is pretty specialised, so we're jocking that off as well. Obviously feel free to chuck in your own stuff if you have it, but it won't be in the draw on Friday.
Beer, Liqueur and Wine is an open section, so hopefully all the beers brewed for the Chertsey St George's Beer Challenge will be entered, assuming samples have actually survived this long. Similarly, if you have a fun dog, please enter it in the Fun Dog Show. We'd like Harvey, Mozart, Dave, Boz, Bruce and other assembled Otterhounds to show the pedigrees how it's done.
That leaves Craft, Photography, Painting, Drawing, Baking, Jam and Preserves in the draw for the adults. Kiddies will be drawn from Scarecrows, Horticulture, Pot Plants, Culinary and Craft. Naturally, if you'd like to defend any titles you won last year, there's nobody stopping you (Ann).
STOP PRESS! This year will feature a tug-of-war competition on the Saturday. Eat pies in readiness, Otters, your imaginary rugby club needs you...
I'll email you all with the result of the draw, plus entry form and details of when you need to have it done by.
so then... who got what?