Happily, after much thought, the thorny issue of the next Otter challenge has been solved by some of the finest minds Big Gay Al and Phil the Pilot had to offer. We're going to have a 10km Ergo challenge (a-ha - now you understand all the Latin bollocks at the beginning - forgive me, I haven't been well).
[You can skip this next bit if you just want to know what the hell the Ergo challenge is about and don't want all my pontificating before you get there]
For those of you wondering what an Ergo is, it's one of those fancy rowing machines with the fan on one end (see picture). It all started with Phil, perhaps rashly assuming that Al was a big lardy sparky with the aerobic capacity of a dormou

[Resume reading now]
Here's the format.
Time, date, location: TBC
Distance: 10km
Apparatus: Ergo Concept 2
Entry: Back yourself. If you think you're going to win, bring champagne. If not, bring something in keeping with your anticipated placing. All entry beverages must be alcoholic, minimum 7.5% volume. There will be a men's competition and a women's competition.
Call for entries to follow.
* The keener eyed among you will of course have noticed Descartes could not have been aware of Linnaen taxonomy and binomial nomenclature, having predeceased the publication of the Systema Naturae by 85 years. Interestingly, the European river otter didn't receive it's Latin designation until the mid-19th century, so Linnaeus wouldn't have known what it was either.