Still agreeing a date, but the venue is Chertsey Cricket Club and the format as follows: doubles, £5 entry, come themed as the nation of your choice. Jan/Feb are a piss-awful, brassic, cold,
February - The Otters' Ergo Challenge

Date and venue TBC, but here's the format: 2000m timed sprint with best time winning, then beers somewhere afterwards. Depending on numbers, we may split the categories into light, welter and heavyweight with a row off for the grand champion. There will be a men's and a women's competition, so don't feel excluded.
There will also be the grand prix spectacle of Al 'Big Gay Al' Davis versus Phil 'Phil the Pilot' Bachelor over 10,000m, with the winner taking bragging rights for time immemorial. Anyone else wants to get involved in this madness,let me know.
Sunday 25 April - The Inaugural Chertsey Beer Festival featuring the Otters Beer Challenge II - LAUNCHING SAT 6 FEBRUARY
Hosted at the Crown with professional beer judge(s) and (hopefully) some sponsorship from a brewery, we're aiming for a date around St George's Day (23 April), which means we'll have to get brewing sometime in Feb/March. More details v soon.
The plan this year is to throw it open to all-comers, converting our stunning 2009 beer challenge into Chertsey's very own annual beer festival and hootenanny. Format will be the 'fixed recipe' competition as per last year (new recipe though), plus a 'freestyle' category for those who want to go off-piste. We'll also be retaining the best label and best name comps. Stay tuned.